How to tell what Effect is in which slot?

I can load up my Slots with Effects and Save them.

The new “Peek” function in the UI is handy to see what the effect playing now looks like (but doesn’t give its name),

BUT… I’d like to be able to click a slot - and see what effect is loaded in there.

If it can’t be done yet… does it sound like a good feature?

I could envision a pretty simple UI only change to get this to work as we might expect.

Not sure if this is the best place to offer this but if you guys (the WLED contributor community) are looking for UI/UX work I’d love to help improve the interface. I started off hand coding web pages and eventually my path led me to creative agency experience director. Hopefully that helps you understand my skillset a bit and therefore know how I might be able to contribute. If I could partner up with an actual application programmer for WLED I could lend my expertise and we might be able to make some pretty sweet improvements to the experience layer. I’m all about finding those high ROI low LOE wins! And I did what’s going on here and already have tons of thoughts to throw on the table that could be evaluated against community needs. I’m open to discuss. Lemme know! Thanks… @Aircoookie

@PeteTheVolcano I’m working on some UI changes myself in our Sound Reactive fork of WLED. I know a little bit about a lot of things but don’t specialize in any one of them. We don’t have anyone contributing to the UI side of the project yet. There are lots of things we’d like to do but haven’t been able to spend the time on like dynamic sliders and auto-hide/auto-show components. Feel free to pop into our beta testing discord server and we can have a chat!