WLED Design concept

I am in so much love with WLED that I wanted to share a little redesign of the UI,

I’m not good at graphics and such, but I would love to hear some feedback!
P.S The top blue bar changes color to show the status of the LED, Blue for online, Orange for standby, Grey for offline

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hi @ZekeLumindus paletts are not to be that large as you can change them very easy
and the color pattern is mainly to the effect table that looks best on this
the preview is good but in most cases not needed as 99% use the on Stripe action play

the concept also is only for larger MEMory chips
and woudt devide users in this

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From the source code, I believe palettes in WLED are exactly 16 colors. Some are interpolated from a smaller set of colors.

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Consider the fact that more than 80% users use mobile.
Phone in general.

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It was supposed to be a concept for the PC mode! But I understand :slight_smile:

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