WLED webInstall - No Access Point Window after successful installation


I have a strange problem: When I flash my ESP32 with the WLED webInstallation-Method, I usually get a screen where I can enter my WiFi credentials to connect the ESP to WiFi.

I flashed hyperserial32 for testing reasons but it doesn’t work for my setup so I flashed WLED again. The installation runs through without errors and I get a SUCCESS screen after the Wrapping Up screen. But when I click on NEXT, the WiFi settings are missing. It just says “Install WLED” and “Console/Log”. There is no AP visible, so I can’t connect and configure my setup with WLED.

Usually I have to press the Boot then Reset Button to flash WLED but this step is also not needed anymore. I think the flashing of hyperserial32 is the reason why I’m struggling to get it running.

Please help

Have you tried looking for the WLED-AP access point and/or see if your device still had the previous WiFi data from the old FS and is actually on your network now?