(12) 16 x 16 panels ESP32 - DDP laggy, not sure best way to drive all 12 panels

Hi all - I’m new to WLED. I picked up several GLEDOPTO GL-C-009WL controllers. I’ve built a panel of (12) 16 x 16 matrix panels (serpentine), all one row, horizontal. I’ve installed the panels on to 5/16" aluminum using thermal conductive tape. The LED’s are in clear epoxy resin. I have several power supplies to handle the electrical load with ease. In total, this is 3,072 RGB WS2812 LED’s. I’ve managed (using independent controllers) 100% white brightness - the heat is dissipated well, and the power supplies work fine. I do not intend on running the LED’s like this however - I merely wanted to ‘stress test’ the power supplies and thermals.

I dived right into the project having no prior experience with WLED, thinking I’d use a few ESP32 based controllers with the DDP protocol to display the animal effects and scrolling text across all 12 panels. I understand a WLED controller can handle up to 2048 LEDs, but under 800 is preferred (refresh rates/etc). I figured, I’d use (4) WLED controllers, driving (3) 16 x 16 panels each (768 LEDs) X 4 controllers = 12 panels in total (3,072) LEDs.

My questions are:

  1. Is there a WLED product/controller that can drive several panels (12) at the same time? (while maintaining a good refresh rate? - and supporting 3,072 LED’s?)

  2. Why is DDP so very laggy? I’ve got a test rig in my lab of (3) 16 x 16 panels, each connected to a dedicated WLED controller. Everything is out of sync, terrible refresh rates/etc. The WiFi network is in my basement, not shared with much of anything else in the house. The WiFi noise floor in my house is relatively low (as all our TV’s are wired, and no one really uses a computer - usually just on Instagram on the cell phone). Only other WiFI devices: printer, 3D printer and lawn irrigation controller. Not much for WiFi use. The WLED controllers are all sitting beside one another, and their proximity to the Ubiquiti Networks access point is approx. 15 feet away.

  3. Is there a better way to drive all of these 12 panels? My goal is scrolling text across all 12 panels + the DNA, and the Fire animation effects. I do intend on using MQTT to send text to the WLED system from another IoT project I’ve built.

  4. Can I somehow leverage GPIO 16 and GPIO 2 at the same time? I realize CPU power, memory and refresh rates are all factors. What will using both GPIO’s do for me? Help me with refresh rates perhaps?

I have searched the forum, however I don’t believe I’m searching correctly. I’ve asked ChatGPT for help, but it’s not coming back with anything that helpful.

My apologies if this has been answered elsewhere, I’m not having any luck hunting this information down.

I’m on version 0.14.3

Many thanks!

Hi @maxrate Welcome
you can use only 2 Gpio
i woudt go for Powerinjekt every 4th 16x16
the matrix 2D setup will make it easy to configure
be aware thet this panels are Vertical ZIGZAG

you woud have been cheeper if you had used 5meter 60/m stripes on your aluminium
better psu connection at the end
see the 12feet 12 Feet text Display

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I have used 4k on 5 esp32 with DDP from xlights and there was no lag on wifi , the question is what is the source of the effects you are using with DDP , if that is an esp32 then that will not do . For your points one by one :

  1. Is there a WLED product/controller that can drive several panels (12) at the same time? (while maintaining a good refresh rate? - and supporting 3,072 LED’s?)
    [You could use FPP on a pi ( it has all wled effects already ) but all esp32 will have the same limitation , might be S3 could do better ]

  2. Why is DDP so very laggy? I’ve got a test rig in my lab of (3) 16 x 16 panels, each connected to a dedicated WLED controller. Everything is out of sync, terrible refresh rates/etc. The WiFi network is in my basement, not shared with much of anything else in the house. The WiFi noise floor in my house is relatively low (as all our TV’s are wired, and no one really uses a computer - usually just on Instagram on the cell phone). Only other WiFI devices: printer, 3D printer and lawn irrigation controller. Not much for WiFi use. The WLED controllers are all sitting beside one another, and their proximity to the Ubiquiti Networks access point is approx. 15 feet away.
    [Try from xlights first as that would be the free test]

  3. Is there a better way to drive all of these 12 panels? My goal is scrolling text across all 12 panels + the DNA, and the Fire animation effects. I do intend on using MQTT to send text to the WLED system from another IoT project I’ve built.
    [FPP or xlights but also other commercial products if wled effects are not the aim ]

  4. Can I somehow leverage GPIO 16 and GPIO 2 at the same time? I realize CPU power, memory and refresh rates are all factors. What will using both GPIO’s do for me? Help me with refresh rates perhaps?
    [Sure using multiple GPIO will help but if the total is high then you will see the same issue]

And one more thing , 14.3 is very old so try to test on latest build

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@Magig_Wled - Thank you for the insight. I am pleased with the 16x16 matrix vs. the stripe approach. The alignment of each LED cannot be beat in terms of positioning and the care/time it takes. Also, I’ve had a few stripes before get kinda messed up (spool runs away on you/etc). Cost is somewhat of a non-issue with this project. That said, I do intend on building a 7 or 8 tall pixel board using your suggestion down the road for another application (I already have the LED’s waiting for this) Thank you again!


FPP on a PI - I’m not sure what FPP or xLight is, however, this sounds like exactly what I should be doing. I have been using an ESP 32 as the master controller. UPDATE: Immediately after posting, I upgraded from 0.14.3 to 0.14.4 - I achieved slightly better results, however, still insufficient. For the time being (very temporary) I intend on getting a single ESP32 to control all 12 panels, knowing it will be slow refresh rate/buggy. I will do this while I learn more about the alternatives you had mentioned. I truly appreciate your insight on this, thank you kindly! I believe your suggestions will most likely solve my trouble!

I would not recommend using a single ESP32 but might be you could try that your self just to be sure as you do not have anything to lose other then the time to test .
FPP info is here GitHub - FalconChristmas/fpp: Falcon Player and there are a lot of guys using it in practice ( I do not ) who could give you more info if you go with that route ( There are also other HW but as listed I only tested FPP )

@maxrate go to youtube and get infos on xlights and wled you might be impressed
also see the xlight haloween chalange 2024

Yeah, I’ve just run out of time to try this recently. I’ve ‘temporarily’ hooked it up so 6 of 12 panels are ‘energized’ and the other 6 simply mirror the first 6 (Y-cable for the serial signal). I will have time in December to roll further with it. Many thanks!

Wil check that out - for as busy as I am and ‘not having any time to do stuff’ somehow, I always find time for YouTube. It’s a sickness! I’ll check it out - thanks for the suggestion :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: