2d: esp32, hub75, wled-mm

from the WLED-MM website I read this:

WLED-MM now features support for LED matrix panels using the HUB75 format .
You can use either a regular ESP32 with a suitable adapter board such as ESP32 Trinity or
rorosaurus/esp32-hub75-driver …
This support is supplied by the ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-DMA library.

I can run the examples from ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-DMA w/o problems.

However, just for my understanding: as soon as I want to install WLED-MM on the ESP32, I cannot use a regular ESP32 any more but have to use one of the hardwares mentioned above? is this correct?

also, I installed WLED-MM on the ESP32 and cannot find any mention of HUB75 in the configuration dialogs. What am I missing?


For classic esp32 use the bin named firmware-esp32_4MB_V4_S and HUB75 output will be there Revert "Merge pull request #204 from troyhacks/Strip_Level_Color_Adjust" · MoonModules/WLED@a5e9df6 · GitHub

The ESP32 Trinity example is just to simply the wiring for you but you can manually wire hub75 panels to a bare esp32 and it will work because I have done it but too much wiring

Perfect. Thanks for the information. That worked.

However it seems, that for my panel, the blue and red channel are swapped. I wired the panel according to the diagram on HUB75 support - WLED MoonModules Project . For my own code, I then swapped the pins for R and B in my source code, e.g.:

HUB75_I2S_CFG::i2s_pins _pins={B1_PIN, G1_PIN, R1_PIN, B2_PIN, G2_PIN, R2_PIN, A_PIN, B_PIN, C_PIN, D_PIN, E_PIN, LAT_PIN, OE_PIN, CLK_PIN};

I understand that I cannot change the pins from the WLEDMM UI (“it is not possible to set the HUB75 pin config in LED preferences at the moment”).

I tried to directly swap R1<->B1 and R2<->B2, but this did not seem to help or rather produced unstable behavior of the EPS (power LED dimmed)?

What can I do?


I have done no real testing with swapping the wiring as I intentionally did it per the DMA project wiring here GitHub - mrcodetastic/ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-DMA: An Adafruit GFX Compatible Library for the ESP32, ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 to drive HUB75 LED matrix panels using DMA for high refresh rates. Supports panel chaining. which wled ported the library for so things worked with my panel and I do not have multiple types to test with

There is an example here in which swapping the wiring worked

Not tested if there is any other file beside bus_manager.cpp to edit , if you get no where then post an issue on the MM discord or better use the original DMA project and post on that project github