Complete rookie here, I accidentally plugged in a 12v power supply to a esp8266 and ws2812B led strip. Lights started flickering, even my other system operating wirelessly on the same network started flickering.
Now I can only get the first light to come on and not sure how to troubleshoot how far I need to replace on the strip or even the board? Any advice?
Thanks again.
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I’ve messed up like that before a few times. What I’ve done is remove the first pixel, and connect to the second one instead. If you’ve never done anything like that before, you should be able to find demos of soldering LED strips on Youtube.
Thank you. I’m good soldering, just wasn’t sure if the board would be shot as well.
It might work, and I hope it does for you 
I’d say the board is good after flashing it and starting over. I swapped the first 6 pixels and they work, nothing past those though. So must be the whole strip is fried. Easy enough to fix.
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my condoleances, you’re not the only one. my first attempt at adressable lights I was so used to connecting LED strips to 12 volts, I completely burned my first strip of adressables. RIP. smoke.
the controller probably survives.
Better to look more then one time on the Datashet and also do some tutorials on the Thing to makle
Personly i only use 5V system even the first pixel is always on 1kOhm
I have to say that i did not broke one strip until now at WS2811 10000inuse and about 100meter of ws2812b in small displays <250Pixel eatch