Adafruit QT PY ESP32 On Board LED

I have one of these boards, appears that Adafruit documentation shows the on board LED is GPIO 039. WLED tells me the limit is 32. Any way to easily use the on board led, I know most of the world wants more and more LEDs but I was looking to use the single led for #cheerlights.

Thank you.

That is not a regular Esp32. That is an Esp32 - S2, I think you need a custom firmware build for them. I think it’s this one but not 100% sure. WLED-wemos-shield/WLED_0.13.3_esp32s2_saola.bin at master · srg74/WLED-wemos-shield · GitHub

As far as I know these can be buggy also, as they are only newly supported and will not work with the Sound Reactive versions.

They are more along the lines of an 8266 as they have a single core processor and less ram than a regular dual core Esp32