Hi together,
I’m quiet new at WLED, I control now 4 WEMOS D1 mini with WLED on it with my IO Broker.
Now i would like to install a garden-light with 15m WS2811 stipes, therfore i build a small box, which is placed inside my garage with a 20A 12V power supply.
Due to possible heat issues i installes a smal 12V Fan which I’d like to controll by PWM according to temperature inside this Box. As well i would like to install a ACS712 to know the power consumption.
So, the idea is to have everything on one WEMOS:
LED controll -->no problem
temperature reading–> possible with a mod
PWM control --> nothing found
analoge input --> nothing found
transmit via mqtt --> nothing found
Sure I can place a secound WEMOS and flash it with tasmota, but it not a nice solution.
I hope someone can help me here.
Your project sounds like a perfect fit for a usermod!
As you already found out, the temperature reading and submitting to MQTT part is already implemented in the Temperature Usermod.
You’d need to add a second mod or modify the temperature one to also do the PWM controlling and getting the current reading.
If you want to tackle this project, I’m here for any questions you might have regarding usermods 
Thanks very much @Aircoookie,
unfortunately i dont have any idea how to start with.
t thought that someone hase already somehing finished?
Probably it is very unlikely anyone has already got source code for your specific use case, but you’ll find plenty of examples how to do PWM driving and reading the ACS712 sensor in the Arduino environment which you’ll just need to combine.
If you’d rather not tinker around with code too much, maybe a second ESP with Tasmota or espEasy might still be the easier option.