after I use alexa to run a preset the app is unable to change effects until i reboot.
I am running Wled 0.14.4 with audioreactive usermod on a ESP32 C3 Wroom.
hi @timmie644 Welcome back
first please update to a 0,15 verion as trhere have been made significant changes
then it might only be a SAVE order on the CONFIG to save the changes not a reboot
all 0.15 builds fail to compile with audioreactive usermod.
works fine for me. you need to re-order the lib_deps, I think AR must be first.
Using the compile helper
I was able to compile for c3 ( i am testing on lolin c3 ) on 15 with audio ( which i did on older
14.x ) below link has the yamls for few tests
The issue now is that you will not be able to OTA the bins with audio( could be a size thing ) and when i tried to serial flash it things gone haywire . ( i did not use esptool )
Flashing AC 15 build for c3 from the site works( but has no audio )
But flashing MM for C3 does not work ( MM has audio by default ) . I will move to github to
compare old vs new version but something is there for sure . I also have one c3 super mini which i will test with but I only used it yesterday so not really sure of it
I can confirm its the size of the bin , so disabling things LOXONE ,ALEXA and HUESYNC OTA works as expected and audio is active on c3 on 15 .The platformio.ini for the bins is here ( look at the env ALDIY_esp32c3dev_AR)
Also the bins are here if you want to test it ( click on summary on the left and then download the bin )
Not sure disabling alexa is a good idea even in my case so i will try again with alexa enabled but honestly the c3 limitation I see everyday make all of this not worth it