App Connectivity Issues

I am able to connect through wifi from my phone if I connect my phone specifically to the 2.4 wifi channel, but if I connect my phone to the 5 gHz channel on the same router, the lights no longer show as online.

I am also unable to connect through a wired connection to my PC using either the mDNS address I have set up or the IP address.

I have split my wifi out into a 2.4 and 5 gHz channel because I wasn’t able to get my phone to connect to the lights when the router was auto assigning the channel for each device. I have also already set the IP address for the lights to be static through the router.

Does anyone have ideas for next steps I could take?

Likely has to do with the way your router segregates traffic from the 5GHz and 2.4GHz AP channels.
The ESP32 will never connect on 5GHz (it doesn’t have the hardware for that).

Hardcoding the IP address for the ESP32 is one of the first steps to make sure you know what IP address WLED will get. Then make sure you can ping that IP address from the PC.

If you can’t even ping the ESP’s IP address from your PC (hardwired to the router) that indicates a basic issue with your router sending traffic between its networks.

I am not able to ping either the ESP32 or my phone from my computer. It seems like the wired connection is not being allowed to communicate to the other devices on the network.

I have not seen any option for network isolation on the router settings other than for the guest network.

Maybe see if your router has a firewall option. If it does try turning it off.