So I have the latest WLED 15 b6 installed on a controller of my Dad’s design, which uses an ESP32-S3. And for all intents and purposes runs perfectly fine, except the audio reactive usermod.
The board has been designed with a built-in TDK digital mic (with PDM) with data on gpio 38 and clock on gpio 40. But when I set all the up in settings and enable an audio reactive effect NOTHING happens. I’ve tried a whole bunch of different settings, just about every mic type with every combination of a clk option set to gpio 40 and nothing displays on the strip.
We do have our own code which ships on these controllers, which my Dad recently wrote his own audio reactive code for too, and this proves that the mics are wired up and function as expected, but obviously WLED is always going to have more cool effects and options, so I would love to get this working too.
I should also note that I’ve followed various WLED guides on setting up the gain and squelch and not matter what I set, I still get nothing…
I do not have PDM mic to test with nor your board but have you set
the type to Generic PDM in the usermod ? If so then also try on MM
as I think that has a legacy PDM driver
Ha fair enough, “Middle Earth” wouldn’t happen to be Wales would it?
We’re looking into a different mic if specific models are a real issue.
We just figured a digital mic would be a digital mic, and it wouldn’t matter too much which one we picked, or that you’d be able to select whether to use Left or Right channel (which was our first mistake).