Bad Control Character with JSON

I’m going through a big learning curve but I’m learning a lot. Here’s what I’m trying to do.

I’m trying to control an ESP8266MOD Node MCU V3 with WLED with an ESP-WROOM-32 CH340C.

The 8266 is flashed with WLED_0.14.0-b1_ESP8266.bin and by itself, WLED works perfectly in driving my single strip of WS2812B 144 IP65 LEDs via my Android app.

The ESP32 is flashed with the code from wled-json-api-over-serial/main.cpp at main · miwied/wled-json-api-over-serial · GitHub. The JSON library I installed was ArguinoJson by Benoit Blanchon version 6.21.2.

I made the following changes to the code in the ESP32 to customize it for my setup.

wledSerial.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, 16, 17)
pinMode(2, OUTPUT) and digitalWrite(2, LOW); //because the compiler didn’t find LED_BUILTIN to be in scope.

I have GPIO 17 / TXD 2 on the ESP32 wired to GPIO 3 / RXD0 on the 8266 and GPIO 16 / RXD 2 on the ESP32 wired to GPIO 1 / TXD0 on the 8266.

I have a jumper wire connected to the ESP32 GPIO15 acting as the pushbutton which should cause a LOW condition when I connect it to GND, thus sending a JSON command to change the color scheme of the LED strip.

Technically, this setup works. When I connect my jumper to ground the color changes. But I do get an error message in my Android app as follows: “SyntaxError: Bad control character in string literal in JSON at position 2710”. The LEDs do change color. But any effect I choose “stutters”. I believe it’s stuttering because there’s an issue with the JSON commands.

Can anyone see something I missed? Thanks in advance!