Problem connecting and controlling WS2812B LEDs with ESP8266

Hey goodnight.

I have a big problem using WLED on my circuit board.

In the last weeks I developed an electronic board with the objective of controlling decorative LED strips in my house. I am using WS2812B LEDs and ESP8266 to perform LED control. I’m controlling a matrix with 49 LEDs.

Unfortunately, yesterday I went to test again and I couldn’t get the electronic board to work. Several times I connect the LED on the electronic board the system goes offline and I can’t restart the firmware to access the control area. It always shows the device disconnected message.

My voltage and current source are stable, I’ve tried removing the LEDs and resetting the board and nothing works.

Can you check if my electronic schematic is adequate to drive the LEDs?

If you have any schematics available with ESP8266, can you please send them to me?

Best regards,

Someone else may chime in on your circuit, but are you using IO4 and IO0 for LEDs?
On an esp8266 you should only be using IO2 and IO1 (maybe IO3).

IO0 : connected to FLASH button, boot fails if pulled LOW

All pins can be changed in the Hardware section of LED settings. Please note that these are GPIO numbers, please consult a pinout for your board to find the labeled pin (e.g D4 = GPIO2 on most ESP8266 boards). When using an ESP8266 board, it’s recommended to use pins GPIO1 , GPIO2 , or GPIO3 for LED Data; using other pins will require bit-banging and may cause slow performance and/or issues elsewhere (such as with IR decoding).