Best led strips

Hello gentlemen,

I wanted to do a survey with you!

According to you, what are the best addressable LED Strips?

Also, I would like to know your best FCOB?

I can’t wait to read you

I order over Aliexpress direct by BTF in China. Fast delivery and stable, high quality

Witch one ?

@MrLED it highly depends on your need
first outdoor indoor
then howmany
then what voltige
then length of the cable

Xmas will get you best at WS2811
Displays and indoor is best on Ws2812b

and stairs or rooms const is ok with all IP67

Ws2815 are an upgrade off ws2812b right ?

My go-to is the WS2812B. But I’ve been meaning to try the SK9822, which the Pixelblaze guy recommends. But it sounds like they’ll only be noticeably better than the WS281x LEDs when using that controller.