I am powering several sections of WS2815 strips. My power supply 12V goes to a buck then to my soldered electrocookie board which has a ESP32 and logic shifter. This send the first pixel data. All 3 power injextion points are connected directly to the power supply. I am now trying to figure out where to add the suggested 1000uF capacitor. If I add it to the electrocookie across the 5V, this should help regulate the voltage for the controller components but not so much for the stips since they are connectes directly to the power supply? Should I instead have only 1 feed from my power supply to the electrocookie and then from that board branch off the 12V side to the strips and the 5V side to the controller? That way I could have 1000uF on both sides of the board + and - for the 12V and 5V.
The idea is that the capacitor is located at the strip.