So I’ve been ripping my hair out trying to get a simple button/switch to work with WLED 0.12.0. Supposedly it just goes between pin D3 and GND on a nodemcu or d1 mini, but no matter how many buttons and different configurations/boards I threw at it, I couldn’t get any response from pushing a button. On a whim I flashed 0.11.0, and discovered that this simple button configuration works perfectly!
So my question is, has anything changed regarding button wiring/configuration from .11 to .12? I’ve got the “On/Off button enabled” in Sync Settings enabled (though even if I toggle that off, it re-enables automatically on reset), nothing seems to help other than reverting to 0.11.0. I can’t be the only person for whom buttons aren’t working on the latest release, can I?
Is there a usermod or something that I need to enable and recompile, or am I just missing something silly? Thanks in advance!