[Solved] WLED and TTP223 touch button with Wemos D1 Mini

Hi @ all!

I’m new to this kind of stuff, but i love WLED, since it is relative easy to get working.
However, there is one Problem i can’t solve, and to be honest, i have no clue, why it is not working.

Hopefully, one of you has an idea :slight_smile:
VCC is connected to 5V + from Power supply
GND is connected to GND from Power supply (all GNDs are connected)
I/O is connected to D5 (GPIO14) on Wemos D1 Mini

in NpbWrapper.h Line 19 BTNPIN is set to 14
in wled.cpp Lines 247-253 are commented out (unintentionally buttonpress check)
in button.cpp i changed the LOW in Line 24 to HIGH and in line 40 the HIGH to LOW

In the Webinterface under Time & Macros
the First Macro is a simple T=2 (Switches LEDs on and off)
Button short press, longpress and double press are set to 1

If i touch the sensor, the red led on the sensor lights up, as long as my finger is in range. But nothing else happens… So there must be somewhere something i did wrong.

Do you have any Idea?

Thank you very much :slight_smile:

Ok, i figured it out… in the Webinterface, the Checkmark " On/Off button enabled" under “SyncSettings” has to be made.
Took me a lot of Codereading, to feagure this out :see_no_evil: