Christmas background

How can I disable the “Christmas” background that has just appeared behind my user interface? I much prefer the plain dark mode background.

I was running 0.13.0-b4, and I have just upgraded to 0.13.0-b6. The background appears in both versions.

You can’t. But you can upload holidays.json without any holiday entered and this will prevent defaults.
You can select your own background image though.

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I have also discovered that the unwanted background can be hidden by setting background opacity to 0.

I have also tried to set a different background colour using the ‘BG HEX color’ field. However, any value I enter results in a white background in the user interface.

Is there any documentation available for the background colour & image fields, and also for use of custom CSS and custom Holidays list?

Likewise for the Config template on the LED preferences page?

You’ll need to look into index.js code for BG and Holidays. At the top of file.

Config template will take any saved cfg.json and apply certain values.

How do I access index.js?

Which “certain values” does config template apply? How is this different from restoring the saved cfg.json via the Security & Update page?

I’d still like further information about use of a custom CSS…

Source code.
index.js and CSS files are in data folder.

Sample of skin.css which I use on my test device (to distinguish it from others):

	border: 1px solid var(--c-r);

Applying config template will replace values in UI only until you press Save. It is meant to transfer HW configuration from one device to the other. Restore is a full overwrite of existing cfg.json.

holidays.json can look something like this:

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Can you confirm the numerical fields as follows?

Year (or 0 if every year required)
Month (0 based, so January = 0, December = 11)
Day (starting day of display, 1 based)
Duration (number of days background is displayed)

Is it possible to display a local image file (eg “file:///storage/filename.jpg”)?

Does the holiday file override the custom BG URL? Is it possible to display a custom BG most of the time, but replace it with a background from holiday.json on the specific date(s) defined?

Yes for both.
URL is universal, if your images are stored locally and your browser has access to them thej will show.

Custom BG will stick permanently.