Color issue with WS8215b strips

Having some color issues on the Red and Green lights when solid. I have tried a bunch of different connections, reseating a bunch of things, and generally messing around with as much as I can but the problem is consistent. I was wondering if anyone had any advice on what I should look into next. See photos of setup below. Doesn’t appear to affect it very much when it is doing a effect.

When R is solid what is the issue? What is the issue when G is solid?

Some portions of the strips near the end have a different color to them. I have had it where a middle connection but not the end of the strip was having issues.

Running about 12-13M of 60led/m

Red turns into a pink purple. Green turns into a teal.

Seems to happen at a higher brightness level. If I choose a breath effect I can see at somewhere around 50% - 70% it starts having issues when the whole strip is one color.

Edit: I should have mentioned it in the first post but all of the pictures of the LED’s are R/G/B with no effects. That color shift is the issue.

Classic symptoms of the need to add power injection at multiple locations around the long strip. After every ~50-75 LEDs, add power / common wires that run all the way back to the LED power supply. That will fix the problem.

If you can adjust the brightness down and suddenly things start to act right, you need more DC power injected along the strip.