Colorshifting when I increase brightness

I’m using a pretty much standard circuit with 1000 mf capacitor and 62 ohm resistor. When I set the brightness of my WS2812b in the lower third everything is okay, but as soon as I increase my brightens colors are shifting worse and worse when I’m at full brightness not all leds are the same colors. I’m not very experienced in electronics but my guess is that through the increase in drive current my pwm signal gets “distorted” and then colors aren’t accurate anymore. I use aux cables to connect them where alle 3 cables are very near together. Could this be the issue and I had to switch the cables or is it something else? Cables aren’t worm and so id gess it isn’t the cable cross section beeing to small but idk.
Full brightness:

Sry I can put only one picture in this topic but at lower brightness everything is okay and the Blue ones are seperatly and no problem with them.
Kind regards

Very likely that the colour shifted strips at the end of the line are experiencing too much voltage drop.
You’ll have to add power injection to provide them with enough power.

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Thanks a lot for your help! You were 100% right, I now added power injection on the end of the strip. Fixed all me issues, now I have to keep an eye on that when I will further extend it.