Compile button in VSCode does not compile but manual compile works

I can executed ‘pio run’ in the terminal and it builds, but the checkmark build button only displays ‘Platform IO: Build’ in a window at the top.

I have googled and asked ChatGPT and tried all the suggestions (upgrade PIO extension and IDE) .

ChatGPT says there might be something wrong in the platformio.ini but I get no problems or errors listed.

It does seem to build when I manually execute ‘pio run’.

Any ideas?

I had to reinstall platformio.ide.

Just press delete

I would never, ever have even tried that…I don’t even really understand why it was working sometimes and then not others.


I seen you post somewhere else also on discord related to pio and my advice to you brother is to look at compiling at gh . If you cloned AC repo on gh then you could simply do your changes online and it will compile for you . Also this site has an excellent guide WLED Compile helper ( if you do not want to clone AC or other forks repos and just compile from source as is

It is really worth the time investment and i just wish someone has told me before that I do not need to use pio locally to compile

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This is the answer. For me I experience the same behavior since today. In the past this was different. Must have something to do with vscode updates or WLED build config changes. Nevertheless, pressing delete brings up all build options as in the past and every thing compiles fine. I would call this a bug in build system. At least the official description in WLED docs, doesn’t work for me as documented.

@ALDIY thank you for this easy workaround

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