Connect multipe ESP

Hello, I am planning to use WLED in a Carnival Parade. And I would like to be able to synchronize all the lights.

I don’t know if there is a possibility of making some type of network in which all the ESPs are connected to each other (we are talking about about 80) and works like a zigbee where the devices are used to communicate with more distant devices.

Sorry if I’m saying something crazy. But I think it could be a very fun project.

Thanks in advance!

There is a new feature for that called ESP-Now Sync. Still experimental and it works with a broadcast, not a mesh network so only devices within reach of the master will sync.

Welcome @djtomybcn

Yes. You absolutely can. Look here. I’ve done it rudimentarily with three devices, but have some fairly complex panels wired up that are not in the same order (LED one at bottom left, top right etc.) on different devices (two have two 8x32 matrix panels each and one has six 8 x 32 panels), so I couldn’t figure out how exactly they needed to be set up without rewiring everything. What I did try, was to give each virtual segment the same number of LEDs as the target device, but not set up any 2D panels on the controlling ESP32. I also tried setting up panels, one panel for each device having the total number of x and y LEDs. Neither configuration yielded a “proper” output, though I don’t remember the exact problem.

Good luck! Post some photos!

Hi! thanks to both of you!

I think it might be interesting to try ESP-NOW. Some guide to know how to configure it?

I have been trying to activate it on a couple of ESPs, but I don’t understand how they are going to connect and how I will be able to see the web interface to configure them.


This is the only existing instruction as the thing is still in POC phase.

After several tests, I have managed to make it work without Wi-Fi and with ESP-NOW. And the truth is that the response time is practically instantaneous :exploding_head:, but… the coverage is quite weak :disappointed_relieved:. I will do more tests over the weekend.

In case it helps anyone, I have to put one esp32 in AP mode, I have connected the second esp32 to this network. Once connected, I activated ESP-NOW in wifi and in sync on both. In the slave detected the Mac address, disconnected the Wi-Fi from the second esp32. And magic appeared!

You could also buy a cheap router and use it to manage the devices. You don’t have to have internet to use a router and you would likely have better coverage.

@djtomybcn as your nick sugests you are involved into DMX
look at the free xlights system
this will sync all your Network devices and give you a controllable show
wled workes fine on this system

That sounds like an exciting project! Synchronizing 80 ESP devices in a carnival parade is definitely a challenge, but it’s possible with some planning. Here are a few approaches you could consider:

1. Wi-Fi Mesh Networking

  • ESP-MESH: You could set up a mesh network using ESP-MESH, which allows multiple ESP32 devices to communicate with each other over Wi-Fi. This would enable your devices to relay messages between one another, extending the range and reliability of the network.
  • Pros: Scalable and can cover larger areas.
  • Cons: Might require more setup and configuration to manage the mesh.

2. ART-NET or sACN

  • ART-NET: This protocol is designed for lighting control and can work over Wi-Fi. You could set one ESP32 as a master controller and the others as slaves. This way, you can send commands from the master to synchronize the lights.
  • sACN: Similar to ART-NET, sACN is another protocol that supports DMX over Ethernet.
  • Pros: Well-supported in lighting applications and can handle multiple devices.
  • Cons: May require additional libraries and setup.

3. Bluetooth or BLE

  • If you’re looking for a more localized solution, you could explore Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). Some ESP32 libraries support BLE mesh networking, allowing devices to communicate without Wi-Fi.
  • Pros: Good for short distances and avoids Wi-Fi interference.
  • Cons: Limited range compared to Wi-Fi.

4. Broadcasting Synchronization Commands

  • You could use a single device to broadcast synchronization commands (like color changes or effects) to all others using UDP or multicast messages. This approach doesn’t require a mesh but can be effective if the devices are within range of the broadcast.
  • Pros: Simple to implement.
  • Cons: Range limitations and potential packet loss.

Implementation Steps

  1. Choose a Communication Protocol: Decide which of the above methods fits your needs best.
  2. Set Up One Master Controller: This device will send out synchronization commands to the others.
  3. Test in Small Groups: Before the event, test with a smaller number of devices to ensure synchronization works.
  4. Deploy and Test in the Field: On the day of the parade, set up your devices and do a final test to ensure everything works as expected.

Additional Considerations

  • Power Supply: Ensure that all devices have a reliable power supply, as long parade durations may drain batteries quickly.
  • Signal Interference: Consider potential interference from other devices in a carnival setting, especially if using Wi-Fi.

With careful planning, your project can definitely bring a spectacular visual experience to the parade. If you have further questions or need more specific guidance on any of these options, feel free to ask!