Controlling WLED with an Arduino GIGA R1 WiFi

I have an Arduino Giga R1 WiFi which I recently purchased to play with and I have two questions to ask as there is not much information about the GIGA out there yet.

Quick back ground first, I’m currently installing an esp32 with wled that will control 3 5m strips on different pin outs, along paths in the front of the house and also have another esp32 running 3 neopixel 8 led strips which will be set up as a fire lamp on a piece of wood (all done except for attaching the strips to the wood).

  1. (this one is just a general question, I don’t want to install wled on it per say at this point) Has anyone attempted to install wled on one of these boards, and did it work, I would Imagine it might work, providing there’s nothing processor specific.

  2. I’m toying at the idea of purchasing the GIGA display shield for the giga, to use it as a controller near the front door, similar to home assistant to turn both lights on/off, and maybe to select some pre-sets, ie I might set the default color to green, but the other half might want to turn them pink if she does out etc, my question is, does anyone know if this is possible on the GIGA, or should I be be looking at a home assistant setup instead?

thank you.

WLED works on ESP hardware only. And specifically only on ESP8266, ESP32, ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3.

thank you, thats one part answered :slight_smile: