So I am using an ESP8266 with 417 LEDs connected. It was flashed at The first 251 are connected to GPIO2, add the remainder are connected to GPIO1. The lights are connected to a 5V 40A PSU. The MCU is connected via USB to a 500ma cell phone charger. The positive of the 40A PSU is NOT connected to the MCU. So the MCU gets power from the 500ma PSU, and the only thing feed off of that PSU is the MCU. Voltage at the MCU ranges from 4.89-4.90V
Some effects (Candle multi [Not candle] and dymanic are the 2 I have found that seem to do it. There may be more, I didn’t test them all) cause everything to reset if I adjust the “Effect Intensity” and or effect speed as if I reset the MCU.
Unfortunately WLED 0.14 has become a bit too resource intensive for ESP8266.
You may need to step up to ESP32.
I was thinking that may be the case. Just crashed cause I was asking it to do too much… Just wanted to confirm. I will be ordering some ESP32’s shortly, and I guess that segment will be the first to get the upgrade.