Deleting Segment0

Is segment0 FIX all LED can this be deletet for adding 12 Rela small segments on a ESP8266
To get the max Failfree segmentation

OR am i Wrongin understanding the DOCS are there a MAX12 Failsafe Segments per Preset
SO Question is the Segments MAX per Preset or in Totel Segmentation

Thank you

The documentation is incorrect as segments have evolved since 0.9.0

You can have any number of LEDs (up to maximum configured) in any segment.
The number of segments is limited though. 12 for ESP8266 and 32 for ESP32.

Thank you
I discoverd if i delete Seg_0 the Board fails
I willl test the Segmentation MAX out for the ESP8266 :nauseated_face:

If the Docs need to have a overmake

TEST will be at one Display Different segments for different presets
one preset with 8 Segments on Pixels 0-50
another preset with 10 other Segments on Pixel 51-100

so taltel 18segments but only max 10 at one preset
If this is working
and what happens if Playlist timing for Preset one is 5sec and for preset2 is 10 sec

Will it fail and reboot ???

lets see