Digital photo frame present

3d printed a collage digital photo frame!
Four 7" screen with a backlit lithophane in the center using Wled and 12 stip lights! There are 2 buttons on the front that control 6 presets for lighting effects.

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The collage looks fantastic, but I have to admit, I completely do not understand the way WLED has been integrated into this project.
Would you upload a video showing how WLED settings affect the end results?
It completely escapes me.
Maybe it’s because I have no idea what a lithophone backlit with WLED means in eye-ball terms.

I tried to upload this with the original post, but as a new user it would only allow me one attachment. Lithophanes are 3d pictures that can be viewed only through backlighting. Wled controls the backlighting. Programmed some presets into it. i can try and upload a video when i get home tonight.
