Do i have this wired right

Basically i’m going for 2 strips off 1 controller, so far everything seems to be running fine but i feel i might have this wrong or could do it better. what’s your opinion?

Not sure what the “Step Up” module is supposed to do here?
Normally I would expect the ESP32 to be wired directly to the 5V supply with it’s own power lines.
The LEDs would be wired directly to supply with their own lines and as long as you have a common ground for the whole setup (looks like you do), you should be reasonably fine.

When you get into max power and/or distances there may be another layer of complexity, but you got the basics down.

yah putting the step up there seems kind of counter productive to me but without it i wasn’t getting a response from both strips just a bunch of random color patterns.

you are correct about the power because right now i have it limited to 1750ma, with it turned off there is a massive color difference in the 319 strip but i know i just got to wire some more power further down the strip

Exactly what does the “Step up” step up to?
What are the specs?

It’s starting to sound like you just need a better power supply(s).
The limiter is only a crude solution to power problems, the real fix is get proper power.

The specs of what you have there could help.
Power supply max Amps?
What is that step up all about?
Are you using 2 data pins or are those 2 strips connected to the same pin?

If it was not working before the step up you likely didn’t have common ground.

This may help you out.