Effect limits

Hey there! New user, I did some searching and maybe im missing a term or something so its not coming up…

I have 9 segments (375 total led), able to boot etc no issue, solid no issue… however some of the effects dont extend to all the segments… is this a function i can change? for example Android, all 9 go… firework starbust, 5 go. fireworks 1D - 7, etc

i guess im wondering if this is a limit or something i need to adjust?


Are you using an ESP8266 or ESP32? You might be running into memory or processing Limits.

It’s an esp8266. I’m just learning about these modules

I know you probably already have it right, but I’ll ask just in case:
When changing effects and colors, are all the segments selected with their check-boxes checked?
For example, I might have 2 colors set for segments 2,4,6,8, and 3 colors set to 1,3,5,7,9. When effects run, if they are 3 color effects, they hit all 9 segments.

Effects are solid (1-color), 2-color, or 3-color effects. If a segment gets sent the 3rd color in the color palette, but that segment only has a 2-color palette configured, it will go dark. At least that is my experience. It might also stay at the last color before the effect changed and put the 3rd color on that segment. I think I’ve seen both behaviors during initial strip & segment testing, but it could have been me not setting up the palettes correctly.

Hope this helps.

yeah they are all selected… and many of the effects work fine. just a few seem to have limitations with segment numbers. which sucks because i cant change them either.

First off, you are using the latest 0.12 ß build correct? If not, I would recommend that for several reasons. One of the reasons is provides a way to visualize both palettes and effects live. In this way, you can see what you configured on the screen before applying to segments.

Just as a test, configure a 3-color palette and apply to all 9 segments.
Now run a 3-color effect (use the Peek button to visualize the effect). Do all LEDs participate in the effect?

Now change to a 2-color palette and apply to all 9 segments.
Run the same 3-color effect. Does the result feel like or look like what you experienced before?

These tests are not required to be saved. In this way, you can restart WLED and get back your original saved configuration for palette and effect.