ESP32 (8 Port LED Distro) + Vixen Lights, ¿how to setup?

Hi, all!
thank you in anticipation for your help, and sorry if I ask for something it was solved (I have taken a look for two days and I didn’t find anything).

I was formely using Vixen Lights with Arduino (two ones in my case), but fortunately I discovered WLED! And I am absolutely happy with all the new options and expansions I can have. The main problem is that I would initially reuse all my work with Vixen (and after that, try to move to xLights). But first of all, I need to config my ESP32 with 8 Port to Vixen.

I have been looking for a clear diagram of how to config the ESP Controller, but I have no idea :(. Did anyone do it before and can let me a hand? I would really appreciate it.

Thank you again you all.