ESP8266 with tunable BTF CCT FCOB?


Per the attached pic, I purchased a tunable white FCOB LED strip from BTF-Lighting.

I also picked up a 12V/10A PSU and since I wanted to run WLED, I got the ESP8266 WLED controller described in this video

After connecting and powering up, I connected to the WLED-AP, migrated onto my home wi-fi, and confirmed that the strip lights up, but I’m not able to dim the light output or tune the color.

I have the GPIO pin set at 2, matching the controller, and after a lot of Googling and head-scratching, I’ve failed to find the WLED settings e.g. “number of LEDs” and/or other values needed to run these lights.

Sorry for the rookie question, but my head is literally spinning with all the terminology and I don’t know where to find a list of WLED settings for various strip/controller combo’s, or if I’ve just got the wrong controller?

Thanks so much for reading and any advice forthcoming.

Welcome :wink:
Show us the stripe, not the bag only, please :laughing:
It’s easyer to decode the stripe, like typelabels :wink:

Sure, thanks so much for coming back to me. Here’s a pic of the LED strip

…and the controller


I’m not sure, if your coltroller is able to drive your LED strip.
Your controller is a digital controller for serial data, your LED stripe is a thumb stripe without adresseble ICs. You will need a controller with MOSFET outputs for PWM signals.
To config the ESP isn’t enough, the hardware must fit also.
I’s similar to try to refuel a bezin car with diesel :wink:

But I thought addressable strips have 4 wires, 2 for power & ground, plus clock and data? Or did I get that wrong too?

So is my strip analog, like PWM and the controller can’t do PWM?

I want to integrate WLED into Alexa voice control, and I thought I saw a YouTube video using a 3 wire controller to tun a 3 wire strip?

Like I said, I’m drowning in all the terminology…

From the picture you have shown, I would say that’s an analog strip.
Actually it looks like 2 “interwoven” analog strips, one with CW (Cool White) LEDs and one with WW (Warm White).

That means it’s not addressable. You can vary the brightness of each, but for the whole strip at once.

You need a controller with 2 PWM/Analog outputs.
The GLEDOPTO may do that, you’ll have to check the specs.
If it does, you create a single LED in the WLED Config->LED Preferences, of type PWM CCT.
That will require 2 GPIOs, one for each of the CW and WW channels.

Thanks so much divsys :+1:

Not having seen it before, I did see PWM mentioned in the datasheet that came with the strip, bit didn’t know if this strip has addressable segments or not (I got stuck trying to figure out how many segments might be in a 5M long strip).

I do recall seeing controllers on the BTF site, so will take another look for smth that can run two strips (tune color AND set brightness) and offers Alexa integration.

Thanks again!

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you can use these controllers: or

Thanks alex1977 :+1:

I was able to return the other controller, and took a chance the 12in1 SP630E device, which I’ve been able to control via the Banlanx app, next step is trying to integrate this with Alexa.

I need a 2nd controller for another strip of the same type as above. I’ve got my eye on an SP530E, which is apparently an upgrade from the 630, but I’ll also take a look at your suggestions.

Quick update that the SP630E was BTLE only (no Wi-Fi) and wouldn’t integrate with the Alexa ecosystem, so I purchased a BTLE+Wi-Fi SP530E which works perfectly once the BanlanX app is sync’d to Alexa.

I still want to test WLED, so I’ll look at doing smth with another LED strip.

Hi,You can purchase GLEDOPTO’s WLED-PWM controller, model GL-C-211WL, to use with the LED strip lights you bought.