Help! Last part of WLED behind TV stopped working

Hi all,

My name is Tim,
I have been using WLED for a couple of years now, but am new on the forum. I basically just found out this exists, which is amazing. Especially, as I am running into an issue I can’t seem to grasp.

I have had a WLED 0.15 (on a NodeMCU Amica module V2 ESP8266 ESP-12F) with APA102 strip behind my TV for some time now. It used to work flawlessly, even with Hyperion and later HyperHDR from a raspberry pi. But for some reason, the last part does not work anymore. I have soldered the 90 degree corners with a separate wire for each of the 4 “pins”. I am injecting sufficient power at the beginning and very end of the strip.

For some reason, the last horizontal part, does no longer function as the rest does.
The LEDs do light up when I connect power. However, behaviour is very different.

  • Sometimes, the first second(s), the strip shows the same colour as the rest of the LEDs, but then shifts to bright white, or a part of that strip flickers a different colour.
  • Sometimes the colour keeps changing randomly per LED, sometimes per a multitude of LEDs.
  • It could also be that the LEDs start flickering random colours when I change the colour of the rest of the strip via the app, or nothing happens at all.
  • It may happen that at a given moment, the colour of the last part reverts back into the colour that it should be, only to randomly start changing again, or on input to the entire strip.
  • When I turn off WLED, this last part does not follow and stays on.

I can’t understand why the last part (so bottom right on the image) is not properly working, and tried the following:

  1. Faulty soldering: I have resoldered all the connections on this corner, before and after replacing the LED strips themselves.
  2. Defective wires: I have replaced the wires in this corner.
  3. Defective LED strip: I have replaced both LED strips from this corner (so both the preceeding vertical part, as well as the last horizontal part) with parts I know were 100% functional (tested before replacing)
  4. Power issue: Using the multimeter, I confirmed the voltage was sufficient on both power injection points. I also replaced the injection point from the end of the strip, to the corner (on the site of horizontal strip, this did not change anything. I also only connected power to the end of the strip (the non-functioning part), and left the beginning of the strip disconnected. This resulted in the same behaviour, so the LEDs prior to the last part lit up, but the last part either remained turned off or showed the wrong lighting.
    • WLED settings, although nothing changed in the settings, it stopped working.
    • I reflashed my ESP8266 multiple times.
      - I tried versions 0.12 (my first version), 0.14 and 0.15. No differences.
      - LED preferences are attached below
  5. Changing the entire NodeMCU with a different unit (flashed with WLED 0.15). Exact same behaviour.

Behaviour of the strip is shown (as best as possible) in the video below: - with static colour on the rest of the strip. - with changing colopurs on the rest of the strip via the WLED app.

I assume I am missing something here, but can’t figure out what it is. Can anyone help me out on this?

Many many thanks,


what levelshifter are you using?

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To be honest, I had never heard of a level shifter, but googled it and it does seem to make sense in this case indeed.
Do you have a recommendation for a level shifter?

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There is this option as well. It is newly released: Level Shifters - SN74AHCT125 (Pack of 4) – RGB 2 Go


As I am Netherlands based, the given option unfortunately came with almost 40USD shipping.
Apparently, here the only feasible option seems to be this kind of level shifter:

So, I’ll try this one and let you know how it went.

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Hi guys,

So, I have connected the level shifter,

However, it does not change any behaviour of the last part of the strip. What else could it be?