I had no problems before upgrading. After I found that presets had seemed to become corrupted. As it turns out names caused errors, “invalid characters”, if they had an “_” in them. After fixing that I still have an error with Home Assistant turning on and off the lights. I get “Failed to call service light/turn_on. number with leading zero is not allowed: line 1 column 861 (char 860)” and “Failed to call service light/turn_off. unexpected character: line 1 column 862 (char 861)”. Other lights give similar errors with different character numbers.
These errors are consistent but they are not every time. Once in every 15 it will work with no errors. At least it seems like it does. I have never seen the automations using these lights work since the upgrade.
Not sure of MCU details , build or segments details as you listed none . Still we are seen reports of somewhat the same error which seems generic to esp8266 and mostly to do with segments names ,overlapping ,etc even on older builds . once segments are resets to defaults the errors seems to go away
7 controllers
5 esp8266 and 2 esp32
The strips are all different length and same for segemt length and count. However the smallest is one segment at 38 pixels and the largest is 300pixels split into 6 segments. The other fall inbetween. 150 pixels in 3 segements, 286 pixels and 4 segements, 182 pixels and 3 segemnts.
All of them but the smallest one displayed the error.
Hey Blazoncek. I made an account on Discord to msg you and the message failed because i am not on your friends list and any attempts to send that request failed due to some setting in your preferences I believe. My username is brad_1981 if you want to try messaging me.
I really hate to sound so stupid… Unfortunately you are the only one willing to help.
I spent some time trying to figure out this tag feature and I was unable to find an option to tag you in a public channel. I have never used Discord for anything before so this is all new to me. I will keep trying, however even a Google search on that topic is of no help. Apparently its something so simple nobody needs help?
Anywyas, I thought maybe a reset would fix the issue and it persists after a factory reset. Keep getting a red box in WLED saying invalid chars in JSON. Even after the factory reset…
I am about to throw away this microcontroller and install a new one. I dont know what else to do other than go back to 13.2 which works fine. What am I not doing right?
I think @blazoncek was suggesting you try and Direct Message him in discord. That’s usually discouraged to keep the info as public as possible - and great resources like blaz as free as possible - but he did make the offer.