How to flash a bin to m5atom matrix

Hi! I wanted to use a m5atom matrix as a wled remote since it has already built in a digital led strip and a button in a small size.
When trying to use esphome flasher it always says “Unexpected error: Reading chip details failed: Timed out waiting for packet header”.

What am I doing wrong and if someone successfully uploaded a bin file to the m5atom matrix how can I do it?

Best regards,

Looks like there is a specific build environment in the code.
You may have to build one yourself or see if someone around has one prebuilt.

There is a previous thread you might want to check out: ESP32-Pico

Unfortunately ESPhome is not working correctly for WLED. Try to install from latest beta and then you can upgrade OTA specific bin file from WLED-wemos-shield/esp32_pico_kit.bin at master · srg74/WLED-wemos-shield · GitHub