How to get led count to work


I’m new to WLED and struggeling to use the ledcount to create segments etc.

I’ve bought this strip (24v , 4m) and this controller

I am not sure on how to configure the wled led preferences and make sure I can address each led/ledgroup.
No matter how high or how low the led count I enter, all of the strip lights up, and is addressed as one.

Hope you guys can help

That is a (dumb) analog strip it is not individually addressable.

Since you have a controller that has PWM for analog output/ Strips. You may can use it in combination with the strip you’ve shoosed:

Function GPIO Nr.
        `This is just a example`

In order for WLED to control an analog strip like these, you’ll have to add a MOSFET driver. That will still only give you brightness control for the entire strip as mentioned by @Jinx .

The controller has it inside the unit