I am completely green to RGB lights so please bear with me. I’m going to use a DigiQuad controller to add lights to our Gazebo. I’m setting up a initial string of 12 volt WS2811 pixels and need help setting the led count in configuration. If I set the 1st output to 50 for length in WLED what do I use to set 2, 3, and 4 if currently nothing is connected? A value of zero is not accepted so I’m lost as what I need to do here.
The strings each have a Start and Length number, for the 1st string the Start is typically 0 and the Length is what you think of as “count”, the total number of LEDs attached to that pin. When you have more than one GPIO pin, WLED treats them as one big string all tied together. You tell it where each pin Starts in this big string and how many leds in that section.
One thing that can be confusing is that WLED is “0” based when counting, so a string of 75 LEDs might have a Start of 0 and Length of 75 but the last LED in that strip would be #74 (they count 0-74). Not a big deal except when you have multiple pins (strips) of say 75,64, and 29 LEDs each, they’re entered as:
GPIO#“A” Start:0 Length:75
GPIO#“B” Start:75 Length:64
GPIO#“C” Start:139 Length:29
The whole thing is treated as one strip with 163 LEDs