How to set Sync disabled by default


I don’t want the sync to be enabled by default.
I have searched in all settings and in this Forum but I don’t know how to do it.

Hi @George-Verboven,

the sync-settings are in the submenu “Sync Interfaces

If you uncheck all three and click save this is disabled.

Is it this what you meant ?

Another way would be to change the port on each device - then sync does not have an effect at all.
(this is what I do normally).

Thanks Def3nder,

I unchecked all three and saved it.
But still the sync “button” seems to be enabled when power op WLED:

Sync button (on by default)

Of course it has no effect when I unchecked all three boxes, but it would be nice when there was an option to set it as Default On or OFF.

I hope Aircoookie will add this in next release

did you also uncheck the “Send notifications on direct change”? That should turn off the sync button on next reboot.

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Thanks Aircoookie, that solved the “problem”

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