How to wire up a cube?

Hey there,
I intend to upgrade this iluminated cube table with some adressable LEDs. What puzzles me, is how to wire them up? I can’t stick the stripe in one line to it, so at some point I would have to cut it and do the wiring. But if I randomly wire the stripes to each other, the effects would look messed up and broken. I thought of maybe start from each bottom corner and then go in all three directions at the same time, but then I would have several LED #2, #3, #4, …

Any advice?

are yoiu trying to use only one power injektion that wont work

start one corner bottom go strait up one side and down go back to start and around the corner
at next corner up again so then its just zig zag

USE MAPPING to get a Straigt forward

Hmm, or maybe use four separate pins on the ESP32 and every pin represents one „C“ (bottom horizontal, straight line up and top horizontal) of every side?

You can’t go over each edge exactly once with a continuous line, because mathematically that would be a Euler trail on a graph where each vertex (corner) has three edges, which is impossible.
So, wire it however you want, knowing that you are going to have to either fork or run extra wires.

Can I even fork? Wouldn’t that lead to end up with several identical LED?

Yes, forking makes the downstream LEDs show the same color. I do that often. It’s whatever you want.
The point is: it is mathematically impossible to get one line of lights to go around the cube exactly once. It is not an electrical problem or signal problem, it is a geometric problem. So that design is not available.