Hyperion max LED count

I want to upgrade my Hyperion Setup and ordered 144led/m strips. This would put me at about 540 total leds. Is the 490 leds mentioned in the wiki a hard limit? Is this a memory issues on the ESP8266 and would using a ESP32 help?


Hi Maik,

unfortunately the 490 LED is a hard limit. The reason is that the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted via a UDP frame at once is 1472 bytes (and we need 3 bytes data per LED).
You could try to increase UDP_IN_MAXSIZE in wled07_notify.ino, maybe the 8266 (or at least ESP32) can handle larger UDP packets by reassembling the frames, but I wouldn’t count on it.

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Hi @feindsender,

EDIT: did not remember the UDP thing … see above :smile:

I did not even think about the UDP frame limit. I am going to try and split it into two esp8266s.
Hyperion NG supports multiple output devices. Will have to see if that leads to sync issues.