I’m resently exeriencing some LED issue. I consist of every hours of he day at every 26th minutes of each hours, the LED (SK6812) change color from warm white to orange. I’m changing them back to warm white but they change back again to orange after one hour. I’m using ESP32 with WLED version 0.14.2 sofware. I have clean user data and reinstalled ESP32 driver through install.wled.me and still have the same behavior.
Also if I close the ESP32/LEDs before going to bed, oernight if I wake u, LED will be ON and orange when originally when I closed eerything before bed, LED were warm white
My wi/fi ESP32 are Wroom-32 and my led strip is SK6812 RGBW model BTF-5V-060L-B with 106 LED and the power supply I’m using is a 5V 10Amps
On my ESP32 I have Power/Grownd and GPIO4 with Maximum Current set to 7000mA set set for SK6812 - GRB and swap to NONE
Hope this is what you are looking for.
One of my biggest concern is the LEDs are turning ON over night by themselves to Orange and if at 3 oclock in the morning I turn them OFF, they will come back ON later the same night…
If you click on the INFO button it will tell you how long WLED has been online for. You can use that time to tell if it is indeed rebooting.
If you don’t want the LEDs to be on/orange at boot you can uncheck the ‘Turn LEDs on after power up/reset:’ box in LED Preferences. This will not solve the issue of your device rebooting, but will keep the lights off at reboot.
Yes I do have a timer setup which is to open strip at sunset and close it a 23h00 using 2 presets along with the correct time zone and lat/long
This is working fine and still have the issue outside this timer… really weird
The most bizar is the 3x ESP32 have the same exact behavior/issue so I was more thinking the problem is software/apps but not 100% how to fix this… I could uninstal the app on my up to date iPhone 13 but a dought it will any good
This is nice to know… I never go see the info as usually there’s not much to see there… Thanks
so Uptime is 3h32m and If I don’t find the fix, I will try your suggestion which in a way confirm that it’s rebooting everytime the LED turns ON orange over nights
…Enter the hour, minute, and weekdays you want the preset to activate.
In the Preset column, enter the preset ID you noted earlier.
-Hours are measured with the 24-hour clock, where midnight is 0:00. Entering “24” will instead activate the preset hourly…
the latest hour I have is 23:00 from Sunday to Satursday with preset 1 which translate to OFF and with what you tell me, I will use 23:59 if I need to have a preset to work at midnight
Thank you for your support. It’s really appréciated