Lights don’t come on after factory reset

Hi, very new to all this. Been having fun getting to grips with WLED on my Dig-UNO. All was working great. After a bit of tinkering learning how it all programs I did a factory reset through the security and updates menu. Went through the set procedures again inputting network details etc. Now although I can see my WLED instance in the app on my phone and it says responding. The lights I’ve go connected aren’t coming on. Using a 5v power supply to a recently purchased dig-uno connected to ws2811 led’s. All worked until factory reset. Had a look for a similar issue and couldn’t seem to find one so apologies if this is a duplicate. Also despite my issues this software is so much fun. Thanks to everyone who’s helped create and improve it.

You likely need to update the led pin in LED Preferences. I believe the Digs use 16 and the default is 2.

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Thank you so much. This instantly solved it.