Hi there.
I caught the fever…
So, I’ve been messing with WLED on ESP32 and find it absolutely amazing! I have an idea for a project, but don’t know if it can be done with what’s currently available. Here goes:
I have a long corridor, but might want to use it in a wider room as well. I’d like LED strips on both (or maybe all) sides and use mm wave, sonar, proximity, or PIR sensors to activate the strips in my proximity in the direction of travel, brightening (variable) 100 - 300 LEDs in front of my position and dimming about the same number of LEDs behind me as I move, before they go completely off. It needs to react to multiple people and changes in direction. Basically, upon entry all LEDs light up at (variable) 20% and the closest (variable) 100 - 300 LEDs light up at (variable) 100% as the next sensor is triggered, the next “group” brightens and the previous group dims. In the case of mm wave or sonar, based on distance, the “traveling group” of variable length moves in front of and behind, in sync with the person moving.
The Corridor has branching corridors, that could be separate channels, and need to light up when entering, or dim and go out when leaving.
Is there some mod out there that can do this?
Thanks for any assistance!