My issue with nodemcu v3

Got my first nodemcu v3 working after many many hours looking at videos and forum posts. My issue was everytime I unplugged the device it would forget my wifi etc and the AP would reappear. I used the information on one post i came across and changed the router settings to legacy and the channel to 1 from auto. Once my router assigned an IP I then locked in the IP for the nodemcu through the router. After saving and connecting the information in the wled fields I disconnected and reconnected and typed the ip in the browser and finally it connected. The only thing I couldn’t get to work was the http://wled.local address it will only work through 192.165.xx.xx. is there anything I can change to get it to work or should I be happy that it works one way.

Mdns is very flakey. Just use the ip or setup a dns server.

Subnet 192.165.x.x is not even local by definition. Your local network should start as 192.168.x.x or 10.0.0.x or 172.16.x.x.