New controller SP511E

I got another batch of SP511E’s in today. The good news is that I got Sound Reactive working. The bad news is that you will have to use SR’s ESP8266 tree and ESP32s are getting all of the love in SR. Until the 0.13 changes from WLED (AC) are pulled in, the IR remote and 2 of the 3 buttons will not work. Below is the config for platformio.ini. I left the max buttons and IR flags. They won’t help right now, but when the SR folks pull in the upstream changes from 0.13, you’ll be ready.

board = esp_wroom_02
platform = ${common.platform_wled_default}
platform_packages = ${common.platform_packages}
board_build.ldscript = ${common.ldscript_2m512k}
build_flags = ${common.build_flags_esp8266} -D LEDPIN=3 -D BTNPIN=2 -D IRPIN=5 -D WLED_MAX_BUTTONS=3 -D WLED_DISABLE_MQTT
build_unflags = ${common.build_unflags}