I’m having a hard time right now to use a relay on my board. GPIO12 on NodeMCU ESP8266 is D6. The relay I’m using is Iduino 5v relay.
I connect the relay - to psu, the + to vin on nodemcu and S to D6. If I just connect it like that and keep the led strip directly connected to the same psu, everything work, but the relay does nothing.
So I take the power from PSU and connect on the middle header, then connect the pos from LED to the NO (left). The Nodemcu doesn’t boot!
If I switch to the NC, it boot and the relay work, but in reverse mode. Thus when it’s ON on the GUI, the LED are off and when I turn OFF, well the relay switch but since WLED is turned off, no data thus no light.
What can I do to fix that?
So right now, here’s the whole wiring diagram before relay.
PSU 12v, LED WS2815B, NodeMCU
All -/GND connected together
PSU 12+ -> LED strip + DC-DC 12->5v USB.
D4 -> 470ohm -> LED Data wires
35v 1200UF from on psu + to -
This work.
Now, I want to have
PSU 12v, LED WS2815B, NodeMCU, Relay
All -/GND connected together
PSU 12+ -> DC-DC 12->5v USB.
D4 -> 470ohm -> LED Data wires
35v 1200UF from on psu + to -
D6 -> relay switch
vin -> relay +
PSU 12+ -> relay in
NO -> LED +
This doesn’t work, it doesn’t boot. Switching to NC fix, but the relay work in reverse.
Thank you
Edit: I don’t know how to post picture here, but here’s a post I made on reddit with a picture with better info: