RGBCT with dedicated CW and WW channel setpu

I have purchased addressable RGB strip which has dedicated CW and WW LEDs.

I am new to WLED and have not been able to figure out if WLED with NODEMCU ESP32 can be used to control this LED strip. I will be using tunable white part of the strip most of the days and RGB on party days.

I apologize if this has been answered before.

Same as the (very) recent answers to: RGB CW WW strip

You’re looking at an analog strip, can be controlled by WLED but not Indivdually Addressable.

Thank you very much for your response. I will return those. I am looking for individually addressable RGB plus Tunable white combo. Does such a product exists? Or one has to combine two different LED strips?

It depends largely on your application.

If you want “real” white plus RGB colour ability for office spaces and public lighting, there’s no good (or good and reasonably priced) options. If you just want some fun stuff, there are RGBW pixels that are OK.

The more you get to be a purist about your required White and its colour, the fewer your options become.
There are a number of RGB + separate White options out there.

If you hunt through the forum, you should be able to find some examples.