I’d like to use an ESP32 to drive 2 WS2812B LED strips. One strip is 50 pixels, the other is 25. I’d like for both strips to run the same pattern and look to be in sync. The only difference is that the 25 pixel strip is running a “condensed” or a “lower pixel” version of the pattern. But the pattern would be a mirror of the pattern the 50 pixel strip is running. For example: the bouncing balls pattern. The balls that bounce on the 50 pixel strip would appear on the 25 pixel strip in the same proportion as the 50 pixel strip. Just at a “lower resolution” on the 25 pixel strip. I also want to have the colors be random but duplicated on both LED strips.
This could be accomplished if there was a way for the 25 pixel strip to mirror every other pixel on the 50 pixel strip. But it would obviously be easier if there was a way to do this through the WLED software.