Setting Color in JSON API

This is the first time I’ve tried to use the JSON API to set the color of a segment and nothing I post seems to work.

For example. I have 3 segments and want to change the FX, Brightness, Speed and color. I post this to the JSON API
{‘state’: {‘udpn.nn’: 0}, ‘seg’: {‘id’: 2, ‘fx’: 3, ‘bri’: 255, ‘sx’: 255, ‘ix’: 125, ‘col’: [[255, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]}}

The FX, speed and brightness change, but the color does not. I’ve tried the following variants and none seem to work;

Am I missing something or is this a bug?

3 WLED v0.13.0-b3 on Esp-wroom-32 esp32 boards
12 BTF-Lighting WS2815 strips
controlled by RasPi Zero running Python scripts via JSON API

Don’t use nn

I don’t understand. I thought that {‘state’: {‘udpn.nn’: 0}… would prevent the changes from being broadcast out to the other WLED controllers on the network (this is the master sync WLED) Why would that control whether or not the color would change on that specific segment on that WLED install?