Hi folks,
I got an issue with short button after using a Master cut off (T=0).
I’m using an ESP32, flashed the bin-file (0.12.0), connected a powersupply and tested a strip with 150 leds (2812b) in my shop and everything worked fine.
Then I tried out start some presets with short button, long button, double button - this all works. After this I made a playlist, which ends in the Master cut off preset (see above). Problem is, the leds won’t come on again on single click, it needs a fast doubleclick (too fast and nothing happens, at normal speed the preset for double click works as a charme). By the way, the long button click starts the T=0 preset, also working.
Next I changed the T=0 in the preset and wrote for each R, G, and B a 0 value. All the leds are off now and single click button works (preset playlist start up again), while the relay pin stays active. But since the most time the leds are not in use I prefer the Master out option.
At the moment there are no leds connected, I use the ESP32 with an indicator led at the relay pin, which show me the wled state and the wled software with peek on. The button pin is gpio0, remote control not in use and pin setting at -1, relay pin is actual gpio13.
Any idea, why the single button do not work as recommended?
Answers in german language are welcome, also