Hi All,
I’m hoping someone could help me diagnose this issue with WLED. When configuring the count or amount of LEDs in the LED setup, it doesn’t correctly light up the LEDs in the strip. For example, I set it to use 30 LEDs but it only lights up 23. If I re-configure it from 30 to 10 it doesn’t change and I have unplug and re-plug the LED strip again for it to update but the count is still wrong.
I installed WLED (WLED_0.11.1_ESP32.bin) on my Heltec WiFi Kit 32 (ESP32). I connected my SK6812 RGBWW Data Input to GPIO2. I have the Heltec WiFi Kit 32 powered using 5V and connected to a 5V 10A Power Supply on the same wire as the 5V and GND of the SK6812 RGBWW LED Strip.
SK6812 RGBW - BTF-Lighting Aliexpress
Heltec WiFi Kit 32
WiFi Kit 32 PIN Diagram
I tried plugging the Data Input to GPIO5 and compiled WLED with a custom define LEDPIN 5 following the awesome Intermit.Tech #13 - Compiling WLED from scratch video but it still does the same thing. Am I missing something here?