Sound reactive doesn't work with INMP441 for me

I’m using ESP32-wroom with pinout and PCB board like in the pic.

I connected and assigned in config pin in accordance to this:
sd - 26
sck - 21
ws - 5
Selected generic i2s and enabled sound reactive.
Led doesn’t work with effects marked as sound effects. But with other effects works.
I connected mic to logic analizer, I see sck and ws signals generated by esp32 and see some codes on sd line. Can mic be brocken in case I see digital codes on sd line? Or maybe I need to use some another pin for sd? Or missed something else?

Hello mate, I don’t know much about the technical side of these things, everything I do is to some extent trial and error but I have made several of these controllers using these microphones but, in my experience, I have found that it’s quite likely that you have a faulty one. I don’t know if you’re talking about the round shape microphones or the rectangular ones, but with the round ones I found the 20 or so I’ve purchased only five of them work, however every one of the rectangular microphones I purchased worked. I got fed up with soldering them onto the board only to find that they didn’t work. so, in the end I set up a little breadboard thingy to test them, I was able to test them in five seconds. It’s a simple thing to set up,see pic.

Also, the pins you are using are not the pins that are automatically selected by WLED. when you first configure your microphone the suggested pins in the WLED configuration are as follows.

SD 32

WS 15

SCK 14

You say that you have enabled audio reactive, I don’t know if you mean in configuration or if you mean in the info tab depending on which version you’re using there is a button in the info tab that turns on and off ‘audio reactive’ as well as the ‘enable’ button in configuration. You haven’t said which version of WLED you are using so for clarity everything I’m saying refers to version 15 B4 audio reactive. Hope this helps.

Hello squiddy,
Thank you for your reply and your thoughts. I use a round mic the same as in your pic. As for WLED I tried the last beta (b4) and the last stable.
Today I received another mic, and it works, so the reason was a broken microphone. I read somewhere that these microphones are sensitive to soldering temperature. So this time I soldered more carefully and at a lower temperature.
BTW I can assume that you got only 5 working from 20 because you checked them after soldering pins. The chip on a square one looks a bit more far from the soldering holes, that’s why it is safer to solder. But it is just my assumption.
The main thing that confused me and because I started this topic before receiving another microphone is that the microphone looked like a working one when I connected logic analyzer and oscilloscope to it. SD pin generates some digital data. I connected the oscilloscope to the working one today (just to compare) and the picture is pretty much the same. So it is unclear to me how to check the microphone with some instruments, broken one looks like working one:)

Want to atach datagramm of working and not working microphone. Sound conditions were pretty the same. They look a bit different but how to identify that microphone is broken is not clear.
The first one is working

The second one not working

Just food for thought, but I’ve had some not work, but only because I had cold solder joints or was using pins that were sub-optimal. Now I use 14, 15, and 32 for SCK, WS, and SD for my ESP32 boards.